Vision Document - Six Mile Bottom Estate

A balanced living and working community will be at the heart of
decision making.

SMB is the collective vision of L&Q Estates and Hill Residential Ltd (Hill) for the Six Mile Bottom Estate. The estate straddles the East Cambridgeshire and South Cambridgeshire Districts, lies approximately 8 miles to the east of Cambridge, 6 miles south west of Newmarket and 18 miles south of Ely. The site is ideally placed to meet the economic and housing needs of Greater Cambridge and East Cambridgeshire, to help spread the benefits of the Greater Cambridge economy, and to support the Cambridge to Norwich tech corridor. Whilst the site can contribute to both Greater Cambridge’s and East Cambridgeshire’s economic and housing needs, this document supports our response to the Greater Cambridge

local plan and is therefore tailored to that.

Ultimately, the vision is about establishing a long-term strategic approach to growth in a highly-sustainable location. More than this, theproposal meets the specific needs of the Greater Cambridge area and its growing population. Proposals will address emerging lifestyles,

economic, energy and mobility requirements and will fully-embrace national and local grandchallenges of the future. This document sets a framework for which future decisions can be made. The framework is deliberately conceptual in its application and accompanied by a series of 'rules' that do not seek to pre-determine a final outcome but serve to set the tone and general direction of future growth choices.

The aspiration is to provide placemaking infrastructure that will facilitate the emergence of a sustainable modern new living and working


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